Our TECH Values
We live by these values, and we only recruit credible individuals who display these ethics.
Delivering quality work reliably to completion
Solid desire to consistently achieve the best possible outcome
True interest in working together to drive improved business outcomes
Always show ethical integrity through your work and behaviour
Jewell Prize Award
In honor of one of our founding Directors, Ray Jewell, we have created the Jewell Prize Award. Ray passed away in 2018 but is still very much part of our core values. Every quarter we celebrate an employee who lives by our TECH Values every day. The winner receives a crystal Jewell Prize Award, has their name is engraved on the perpetual Award at Head Office, they are featured in our Quarterly Employee Newsletter, and $500 worth of vouchers. Every quarter we receive dozens of nominations as our teams strive to be the next Jewell Prize Award Winner!
Callan Barton
Senior Security Technician; ACT
‘Our team is supported to do our best every day by our leader. He does this with his enthusiasm for his role, and his availability to talk about jobs, Clients, or any questions/problems that we have. He ensures we have a great team culture!’
Liam Heald
Security Technician, ACT
‘We are a collaborative and supportive bunch. Our Boss, goes above and beyond for all of us.’
Glen A Costin
Security Technician, WA
‘Secom has always provided the resources needed to complete works to the high standard that our customers have come to expect.’
Andrew Hayes
Project Manager ACT
‘Working at Secom is not just a job it is a career I am happy to be a part of every day. The team is one of the best bunch of people you could find, if there ever is a problem the group will get together to assist.’
Luke Brassington
Security Technician, ACT
‘On joining the Secom team from day 1, the working environment and business culture has been fantastic. Starting with a new company and new work colleges, I was very appreciative of just how welcoming all the staff have been towards me. My supervisor instantly made me feel like I was working with a friend instead of just a boss. He goes above and beyond every day for his technicians and does anything he can to provide great support, ideas and comradery.’
Natalie Slater
Security Technician, VIC
‘I’ve always felt nothing but support from my team at Secom, especially by my workmates and my supervisors. My current supervisor is constantly ensuring that I am comfortable and happy so that I can do the best job that I can do at work.’
Solomon Buggee
Systems Engineer, ACT
‘Working at Secom has not just been another “steppingstone” job, joining the Secom team has been a career. The team has a wealth of knowledge and experience that has enabled me to grow personally and professionally. Secom is a respected entity in the industry and the opportunities that come with that reputation, to strive for excellence on both the “cutting edge” and the “everyday” have been invaluable. I count myself lucky to be part of Secom’
Just some benefits @ Secom Technical Services
If you consistently bring your best to work every day and want to push your career further, then email your resume, with a cover letter to our HR Manager at HR@secomts.com to tell us why you would like to join the Secom family. Looking forward to discussing new opportunities with you.